Honey Bees

If there is any possibility that an Africanized Hive has been spotted, please call us to perform the removal as quickly as possible. All stinging insects have been a problem for homeowners for as long as homes have been built. Please call us if you have any problem with bees or wasps.

Removing a hive from a house.

Below: This is a swarm of Honey Bees - and they are in a tree in a yard - and that yard has a house - and that house has many areas for a a bee hive to be - in the eave areas, in the structure openings, all over the house, and even in other structures, such as the garage! You can bet that the scout bees are fully aware of the possibilities of areas in your house that might make for a great home for their mom (the queen bee), so if you see honey bees clustered like this at your house, please contact us 24 hours, 7 days a week, for your nature control needs. Nature King Pest Management is the only pest control company that you will ever need.

Mark is attaching brood comb to a wax foundation to add a little bit more "super up" to a hive back at his bee yard.

Nature King Pest Management is always looking for the best way to serve. Sometimes, more extreme measures must be taken when people and/or pets are at risk. The above hive, however, was relocated, and we are sure they progressed nicely in the relocated environment.