More about spiders

Nature King Pest Management will only use the best registered product available for the control and removal of a spider problem. One that the spider cannot detect before he gets to it.

The control method for spiders is a very delicate operation to be performed. The pest control operator must know the best treatment method and insecticide to use. There are more treatment applications that do not work satisfactory, than ones that do and it is up to the “Bug Guy” to know the differences.

Black Widow Spider

Black Widow SpiderAlthough spiders in general produce venom with which to paralyze their prey, only a few have fangs of sufficient length or power to penetrate human skin or venom of sufficient quantity or potency to affect human health. There are two types of poisons present in spider venom:  a toxin that will cause local symptoms, and a toxalbumin producing general symptoms. The latter described is of the Black Widow. The fangs which are about 1/15 of an inch in length, serve to inject from two large glands. The venom is reported to be much more virulent per unit than that of the rattlesnake. Yikes!

Brown Recluse Spider

Brown Recluse SpiderThis Spider is about is approximately 5/16 inch in length, dark brown to tan with long legs. A violin-shaped on the upper side of the cephalothorax (head portion) is the only noticeable identification giving rise to the nick-name- fiddleback spider.

This spider lives up to it’s name but can be found in fields, rock piles, as well as your garage or closet. A lot of bites occur from these spiders taking up refuge in clothing that be in those closets.

The bite of the Brown Recluse usually cannot be felt by the victim and pain is little or none at time of bite. Only after 2 to 8 hours does pain start to be noticed from mild to severe. After several days an ulcer will appear. The venom seems to have a spread factor that resembles necrosis or tissue destruction. The venom injected by the Brown Recluse is not really a toxin but a complete chemical that inhibits the normal action of infection-fighting antibodies in the human anatomy. Almost always the only relief is a doctor visit.

 If you or someone you know has any problems with spiders,
please call Nature King at 214-827-0090

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