Carpenter Ants

Ant removal services in the Dallas, TX areaCarpenter Ants are large ants that destroy wood but do not eat the protein substance derived from wood particles like termites do. However, they are classified as a wood destroying insect.

Carpenter ant removal and control services in the Fort Worth, TX areaThe most common in North Texas is the Red and Black Texas Carpenter ant. The only external indication of infestation other than of workers and/or swarmers is the appearance of small openings or windows on the surface of the wood. Through these, the workers expel debris which consist of saw-dust like material or shavings and/or fragments of insulation and dead ant body parts. This is the result of enlarging a void cavity in order to move the queen and/or queens in and to also make room for the care of brood.

Trapping & Removal

TurtleTrappingTrapping and relocation service include turtles, raccoon, opossum, bobcat, skunks, armadillo, Beaver, rabbit, pigeon, Feral Cats (wild cats) and squirrel. More photos in our gallery. Select the Trapping Services category.

Live trappingSquirrel repellents are available that may discourage a variety of destructive behavior. Nature King Pest Management provides caged trapping service which will allow removal of squirrels without harm to the animal. Once captured, we will transport the animal five miles or more from the property to discourage a return appearance. For more detailed product information, please contact our office.


More about snakes

If you have a snake encounter it is always critical to call upon
a professional Like Nature King Pest Management.
A one year warranty usually comes with our snake control treatment.
Call today! 214-827-0090

Water Snakes